Please help support the Walpack Historical Society by becoming a member or providing a small donation. During these tough times of living with a world-wide health crisis, social distancing, quarantines and shutdowns it has become even more difficult to preserve Walpack’s unique historical buildings. Sadly, vandals have taken advantage of the lack of human activity to vent there angst on the structures around Walpack center.
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Vandals have struck Walpack Center. The Post Office & General Store’s (See below, 1.) door was kicked in and the inside was searched. Someone attempted to break the back door of the Rosenkrans House (2.), which also serves as the Walpack Historical Society’s Museum. This attempt failed, but considerable damage was done to the door. The Robbins Barn (3.) was also breached. Cameras are in place and thousands of pictures are being reviewed. We need your help to spread the word that vandalism and wanton destruction is occurring and will not be tolerated. If you are in DEWA please watch for suspicious people and behaviors and report them to NPS Dispatch at 570-426-2457.
Recently vandalized buildings in Walpack Center
Our history is precious and our parks belong to everyone. Every time vandalism and destruction occurs a piece of our past is stolen from us forever. Please help us spread the word that this is unacceptable and if you happen to be out and about enjoying all the DWGNRA has to offer please watch for and report vandalism and suspicious behavior.