Walpack Historical Society

The Walpack Historical Society had its first meeting on Sunday, October 27, 1984 at the Walpack M. E. Church in Walpack Center, New Jersey. The Society was officially organized in July of 1985.
At the time the Society was formed most of Walpack and the surrounding area had been purchased by the Army Corp of Engineers as it fell within the proposed Tocks Island Dam project. The administration of the area was then turned over to the National Park Service and designated as the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area.
With the demise of the dam project, Congress designated that the area of the Delaware River in the Tri-States area should be preserved as wild and scenic. On March 31, 1989, the Society was given the use of the Rosenkrans house in Walpack Center as a museum and headquarters for the Society. During 1995-1997 the Losey/Robbins house and the former post office in Walpack Center were added, under an agreement with the National Park Service.
Contact us:
Mailing Address:
Walpack Historical Society
P.O. Box 212
Layton, NJ 07857