Enjoy a beautiful afternoon in the country!
You are invited to join the Walpack Historical Society at our Annual Spring Dinner
at the Walpack Inn on Sunday, April 24th at 1:00 pm.
Once again, we have arranged to offer an expanded choice of entrees, including the Inn’s fabulous prime rib and brown bread.
The cost is $35.00/person. The price includes the entrée (with potato or rice), salad bar, dessert, coffee or tea and gratuity. You will be responsible for your own beverage tabs.
We will be collecting food stuffs for the local food pantry. Please consider bringing some non-perishable items along with you to the dinner. Thank you.
Please mail your reservation in by April 13th so we may let the Walpack Inn know how many tables and which entrée to reserve for us. Payment must accompany your reservations and, as always, you are welcome to bring guests.
Please indicate your entrée(s) choices. Make check payable to the Walpack Historical Society and send it with the reservation blank below to:
The Walpack Historical Society
c/o Mrs. Chris Cunningham
105 Dominicus Court
Belle Mead, NJ 08502
If you have any questions, please call Chris Cunningham 973-964-9697.