
Spring Hike to Aurand's Mill - April 29

April 29, 2018 – Join the WHS on for a pleasant spring hike along Mountain Road to the former location of the Henry Aurands’ mill site.This will prove to be an enjoyable 3½ mile round trip hike. We will meet at the Walpack Center Post Office and leave promptly at 11:00 am and head to the beginning point of the hike – carpooling is a must. Hike will be lead

Spring Hike to the Layton House - CANCELLED

Destination: The Richard Layton House Date: Sun. April 8, 2018 CANCELLED Note: Unfortunately this event has been cancelled due to storm damage in the park and on the hiking trails. Please follow us on social media for updates and if we can reschedule this event. The Walpack Historical Society will be leading a hike to the Richard Layton House in Walpack on Sunday, April 8th. We will meet in Walpack

‘Twas the night before Christmas,...

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.  The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there…. A Visit From St. Nicholas, penned by Clement C. Moore reflects the hopes of many children on Christmas Eve.  Julia Ellett Lewis lived in The Rosenkrans House, which is now The Rosenkrans Museum,

Visit Walpack for the Holidays

Visiting the country this holiday season? Take a journey into Sussex County and visit Walpack History. The Rosenkrans Museum and the Walpack Church will be decorated for the holiday season and open to the public on December 2, 3, and 9th from 12 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. and on Sunday, December 10th from 3 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.

The WHS's Annual Holiday Dinner - Dec 10. at the Walpack Inn

Once again we have arranged to offer an expanded choice of entrees, including the Inn’s fabulous prime rib and brown bread. The cost includes the entree (with potato or rice), salad bar, dessert, coffee or tea and gratuity. Beverage orders are not included – $35 per person. Menu selections: Roast Prime Rib, Grilled Chicken, Tri-colored Tortellini, Fish (depending on availability) We will be collecting food stuffs for the local food

Fall Hike: The Walpack Bend - Sunday Nov. 5th

Join the Walpack Historical Society on Sunday November 5th as we explore the area around the Walpack Bend. The hike will be an easy 2 mile round trip. Meet at the Rosenkrans Museum in Walpack at 11:00 a.m. We will car pool to the Old Mine Road and start on the driveway leading to the Decker Ferry House. After visiting the Decker Ferry House, we’ll continue down the trail to

The Victorian Lady's Wardrobe - Sept. 17 at 1pm

On Sunday September 17th 2017 at 1:00-pm, the Walpack Historical Society will present a program by Lydia Chiappini demonstrating the construction of the Victorian Lady’s Wardrobe by deconstructing the various layers which support the fashion silhouette of the period, including hoop skirts, bustles, corsets, pantaloons and accessories. She will begin with an 1860’s costume and transform it to an 1880 period design. The costumes are period-correct originals based on the